
Vedd a kezedbe a kormányt!

Specht József
E-mail: jozsef@specht.hu
Telefon: +36 (30) 411 6127



A Special Greeting to the Finders!


Dear Finder,

We are delighted that you have found our time capsule! This is a special adventure for us, and we are thrilled to have you join in. Every day of our journey, we will upload a photo of ourselves to share our experiences with you.

Please make a video showing where you found the time capsule, what you discovered inside, and tell us a bit about yourself. Send the video or the download link to jozsef@specht.hu with the subject: "I Found Your Time Capsule!"

Thank you for being part of this special adventure!

Best regards, Specht, Najdek, and Mészáros families

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Vedd a kezedbe a kormányt! - Magyar